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Re: Evidence

Our government is above sharing evidence of who is
responsible for the terrible events in New York and
Washington with the Taliban. Or with me, or with you,
or with just about everybody, it seems.

I don't know about you, but if Larry Craig is the only
Idahoan to be trusted with the evidence, I'm not
exactly confortable.

There's no jungle in Afghanistan, so I guess we
shouldn't worry about a repeat of Vietnam. But I do. Of
course we want vengeance, but unless we think about the
world and not just about ourselves and our economic
wellbeing, in the longterm we will have abetted the

None of the above is original; everything has already
been posted on Vision 2020 in different words, and I
thank God (my god, who is not any better than your god)
for that.

Don Coombs

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