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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

He didn't answer the question Tex and Tom is reading for content versus
contention.  Fact is, you missed the boat in a big way.  Just what is it
"we are about to do in Afghanistan"?  You seem to have more insight than
the rest of us, perhaps you will share.  Revenge and retaliation is not
the only answer our government can come up with although it will make a
good start.  Fact is, there are a few of us just a little pissed off
about the 6K+ people who were murdered and looking forward to seeing
some serious ass kicked in a big way.  Hold the countries and officials
who govern them equally responsible and I'll bet we see some positive
changes in the future.  As for the terrorists we identify and isolate --
extermination is too good for them.

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