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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Yes we will get great results... just like Israel has been. It seems that
some of us have difficulty understanding what is going on in Afghanistan.
There is nothing for you to bomb! You want to hit the Taliban? You will have
to go in with special forces and "kick their ass" I am all for that as long
as we follow up and help the poor people of that country build a life for
themselves so the fanatics do not take control again. As I have said before
the people of Afghanistan hate the Taliban just as much as we do... actually
that is not true... they hate them worst. We have lost 5-6K people... that
is sad... they have lost millions... you cannot even imagine the
devastation. We also have to clean Pakistan up... we just doomed that
country to civil war.

I fear what our government will do in Afghanistan this time because
historically we have done the wrong thing... so forgive me if I am
pessimistic. I have not seen a lot of good will in Bush's communications. I
am worried about the fact that we have miscalculated the Middle East
situations over and over. I am now hearing more and more Americans saying
what I am saying... I hear more people wanting justice... not indiscriminate
woop-ass, as was the case earlier on! I am worried about underestimating the
situation and the arrogant Rambo diplomacy. I wonder if a president that
just went to Europe for the first time in his life comprehends the needs of
other people in the world. I pray that he makes the right decision...
because if he does not we will see carnage like of which humanity has never
seen. We will see destruction that will make last week look like a trip to
Disney land. In fact I would say if we are not worried about it... and we
are not questioning everything we do not realize the gravity of the
situation. There is a subtle difference between justice and revenge... it is
critical that we are able to see that difference.

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: P C []
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 5:36 PM
Cc: Tom Hansen; Moscow Vision 2020;
Subject: RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

He didn't answer the question Tex and Tom is reading for content versus
contention.  Fact is, you missed the boat in a big way.  Just what is it
"we are about to do in Afghanistan"?  You seem to have more insight than
the rest of us, perhaps you will share.  Revenge and retaliation is not
the only answer our government can come up with although it will make a
good start.  Fact is, there are a few of us just a little pissed off
about the 6K+ people who were murdered and looking forward to seeing
some serious ass kicked in a big way.  Hold the countries and officials
who govern them equally responsible and I'll bet we see some positive
changes in the future.  As for the terrorists we identify and isolate --
extermination is too good for them.

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