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Re: recycling question

My limited experience with recycling programs in two states indicates 
that unless the recycled materials have good economic, profitable 
outlets, the recycling agency has more costs than benefits. Also, our 
demographics (say compared to big urban areas or Europe's high 
densities and more profitable programs) run counter to efficiency of 
pickup and disposal. I don't know the real economics of this 
operation, which is admittedly clumsy, but we manage to follow the 
"A"  and "B" scheduling fairly well, putting  up with the times the 
guy rejects this or that piece of "garbage". Recycled stuff usually 
has to go over into Oregon for sale, which cost must be borne by the 
recyclers. Yeah, it's kinda weird, but I've been in worse situations, 
like in wars and working in developing countries. Hang in there, and 
don't let it beat you down!  Ken M.

>bill london wrote:
>>  ... We use the curbside program and like it, ...
>Dear Vision2020:
>Bill's email gives me a chance to vent: I have tried to use the
>curb-side recycling collection AND HATE IT! Outside of filing tax
>returns with the IRS, I have rarely experienced a more complicated,
>confounding and counter-intuitive system. I haul my recycling --
>dutifully -- to the recycling center, cursing all the way.
>Here is my message: I am willing to pay more money to have curb-side
>recylcing that does not require sorting.
>Where is capitalism when you need it? Won't someone out there start a
>business collecting unsorted recylables?
>Duncan Palmatier
>Patent Law Office
>530 South Asbury, Suite 5
>Moscow, Idaho 83843
>Tel: (208) 892-2962
>Fax: (208) 892-3853

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