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Re: mauled mall

Other alternatives to absentee landlords?  As we well know, Spokane 
and to some extent the WA "Tri cities" consider the Palouse one of 
THEIR economic development areas, abetted by both West and East Coast 
money (speculative). The "carpet baggers" are on the move. 
Experiences galore with this predatory mentality show that their 
investments are made without local inputs or concerns for the 
long-term welfare of the subject area. What's the alternative?
	Citizens have the sovereignty if they want to exercise it 
through zoning, transportation, and building codes. But we don't do 
that -=- let city hall do it, let somebody else check out the specs, 
etc. Why can't a consortium of local business people, banks, URA, and 
citizen investors (we could create a citizen investment corporation 
-- at risk, to be sure) and also raise bond money for a lot of urban, 
benign development. Why don't people WANT to control their own 
economic future and environment? I don't quite know, but sure as 
"Polly wants a cracker", when something goes "wrong", all the bitches 
come out of the woodwork and point fingers! We need today the spirits 
of a Jefferson and a Franklin to get us thinking in more responsible, 
rewarding directions. Otherwise, the Spokanites will continue to 
behave the they way they are, in their own personal and economic 
interests. Would you do differently in their shoes? Think about it. KM

>Jerry L. Schutz wrote:
>>  ... do you know what lunatics you sound like! ... There are real
>>  problems in Moscow, and you're whining about a few sticks and twigs.
>Dear Vision2020:
>Those few, so very few, "sticks and twigs" are EXACTLY the local issues
>I want my local government to care about, since developers from Spokane
>do not have to live with the ugliness they create in our neighborhoods.
>If we do not protect our city, it will be quickly transformed into a
>decaying center surrounded by vile strips of endless, hideous mall
>development. This is the real problem Moscow faces.
>The Palouse Empire Mall developers have proved, conclusively, that they
>are liars and cheaters, without respect for our community or our laws.
>They could not make their changes legally, so they set about doing it
>anyway, at a time when they thought it could be finished before the city
>had a chance to stop it; and, they succeeded. Therefore, I strongly
>encourage the city to exercise its power and treat them accordingly,
>like the criminals they are.
>Duncan Palmatier
>Patent Law Office
>530 South Asbury, Suite 5
>Moscow, Idaho 83843
>Tel: (208) 892-2962
>Fax: (208) 892-3853

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