Pool more generally
People are naturally curious about whether the
pool operated in the black this season. After all, we chose the existing
design partly based on the likelihood of its covering operating expenses.
(ORB, the city's pool consultant advised us that an outdoor family leisure pool
in Moscow could run $15,000 in the black if we had 78,000 swims.) Net
revenue was a big part of our our discussions and deliberations.
Nevertheless, whether we broke even this first
summer is not a big issue for me. We have an outstanding facility that far
exceeded my expectations. Kids got experience with lifeguarding and
dealing with the public (and did a great job in my opinion). People of all
ages had a place to meet and enjoy the outdoors. And Moscow drew many
visitors who more than likely patronized local retailers. Moreover, city
staff showed they could do a fine job operating a big, labor-intensive facility
the day it opened, with only minor glitches. Bravo, especially to Amber, the
Aquatics Center director.
From my own personal perspective, I happily
admit the pool made this my favorite summer in all the 13 years I've lived
here. I'm a convert to outdoor lap swimming!
I'd like to encourage everyone to move forward from
here in a positive way. This can happen if the city shares financial data
with the public, and if we have an open conversation about what we learned from
one season of operation. Let's see if we can't make next year even more
successful, and meet the needs of even more local residents.
--Priscilla Salant
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