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Re: Pool Finances

Under the toll bridge logic, the fees paid by the pool customers should be used
to pay off the debt incurred to build the pool.  Then another entiity (probably
in the case of the bridge this would be the state?) would take over the
maintenance.  Then all of Moscow can swim for free.  I like the ananogy.

Joe Tassinari

> Quoting Tom Lamar <>:
> > As Dan pointed out, we don\'t expect our roads to make
> a profit.  Why does
> > only the swimming pool come under such questioning?
> A swimming pool is a huge risk. The level of liability
> is higher, the level of support required is higher...
> it\'s a huge exposure.
> Asking about the roads is a bit disingenous. Roads make
> commerce work and bring money into town.
> Some roads do pay for themselves, directly. Toll roads
> anyone? toll bridges? The 520 floating bridge in
> Seattle is one that comes to mind, it was a toll bridge
> for so many years (until it was paid for) and then it
> was opened up.
> Ry

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