Re: Interstate 95
Toll roads are an eastern institution that we in the West can do without.
Michael Borden
Wolfgang Schwartzenweintraub wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of TOLL-ROADS to pay for our
> highway across Idaho and what it means then to encourage the use of the
> highway to get itself paid for sooner. Well, whether it is Linda Pall or
> Elmo Fuddpucker running from or to something. This highway situation has to
> change. It is a Federal Highway that is definitely out of compliance and
> needs to be fixed if it is to be used for the movement of commerce from one
> end of the State to the other. Could someone please explain "electioneering
> context. I looked at this word for some time and really want to know what
> it means. Then what follows is a mystery to me. "Highway projects are
> typical ways that Representatives bring home the bacon from Washington, and
> she is showing how she intends to do so. It gives Republicans a reason to
> vote for her ("That Dem will bring us money--I can live with that") and
> Democrats & many independents who don't like the idea will still vote for
> her ("Better than the alternative")." We are now being introduced to the way
> we should think things through. Linda Pall is really being second guessed
> with this bit of rhetoric. Why don't someone write Linda Pall and have her
> spell it out what her intentions are. Then we won't have to second guess
> what she is going to do or not do. Trying to read someone's, (And here I
> use the term loosely) mind at a time like this is a waste of time and it
> consternates the positive problem solving posture that should exist. Why do
> you want to drag and Elephant and Jackass into this decision making process.
> Could we not just lock these to symbols of nation politics in the barn until
> it is over? With all due respect;
> Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub
> Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob Hoffmann" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 10:13 AM
> Subject: Re: Interstate 95
> > I was pleased when I heard that Linda Pall was running for congress. I
> see
> > her Interstate proposal for 95 within that electioneering context.
> Highway
> > projects are typical ways that Representatives bring home the bacon from
> > Washington, and she is showing how she intends to do so. It gives
> > Republicans a reason to vote for her ("That Dem will bring us money--I can
> > live with that") and Democrats & many independents who don't like the idea
> > will still vote for her ("Better than the alternative").
> >
> > What do I think of her strategy? Boo! Bigger highways sometimes mean
> > better safety, but they always mean more traffic and more development. In
> > case you haven't guessed, I'm against those things. Let's have her bring
> > in money for our schools, our health care, pollution reduction,
> alternative
> > transit & freight (including rail), and alternative power (there are
> > certainly areas in Idaho that would be great for wind & solar power). But
> > not a four-lane monster that will mean more traffic, more accidents, more
> > development, and a declining lifestyle.
> >
> >
> > Bob Hoffmann
> > 229 East C St., Suite B
> > Moscow, ID 83843 USA
> > Phone: (208) 883-0642
> > Fax: 1-800-683-3799
> >
> >
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