Re: Interstate 95
I was pleased when I heard that Linda Pall was running for congress. I see
her Interstate proposal for 95 within that electioneering context. Highway
projects are typical ways that Representatives bring home the bacon from
Washington, and she is showing how she intends to do so. It gives
Republicans a reason to vote for her ("That Dem will bring us money--I can
live with that") and Democrats & many independents who don't like the idea
will still vote for her ("Better than the alternative").
What do I think of her strategy? Boo! Bigger highways sometimes mean
better safety, but they always mean more traffic and more development. In
case you haven't guessed, I'm against those things. Let's have her bring
in money for our schools, our health care, pollution reduction, alternative
transit & freight (including rail), and alternative power (there are
certainly areas in Idaho that would be great for wind & solar power). But
not a four-lane monster that will mean more traffic, more accidents, more
development, and a declining lifestyle.
Bob Hoffmann
229 East C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID 83843 USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799
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