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Re: Interstate 95

I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of TOLL-ROADS to pay for our
highway across Idaho and what it means then to encourage the use of the
highway to get itself paid for sooner.  Well, whether it is Linda Pall or
Elmo Fuddpucker running from or to something.  This highway situation has to
change.  It is a Federal Highway that is definitely out of compliance and
needs to be fixed if it is to be used for the movement of commerce from one
end of the State to the other. Could someone please explain "electioneering
context.  I looked at this word for some time and really want to know what
it means. Then what follows is a mystery to me.  "Highway projects are
typical ways that Representatives bring home the bacon from  Washington, and
she is showing how she intends to do so.  It gives Republicans a reason to
vote for her ("That Dem will bring us money--I can live with that") and
Democrats & many independents who don't like the idea  will still vote for
her ("Better than the alternative")." We are now being introduced to the way
we should think things through.  Linda Pall is really being second guessed
with this bit of rhetoric.  Why don't someone write Linda Pall and have her
spell it out what her intentions are.  Then we won't have to second guess
what she is going to do or not do.  Trying to read someone's, (And here I
use the term loosely) mind at a time like this is a waste of time and it
consternates the positive problem solving posture that should exist. Why do
you want to drag and Elephant and Jackass into this decision making process.
Could we not just lock these to symbols of nation politics in the barn until
it is over?  With all due respect;

Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub

Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Hoffmann" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Interstate 95

> I was pleased when I heard that Linda Pall was running for congress.  I
> her Interstate proposal for 95 within that electioneering context.
> projects are typical ways that Representatives bring home the bacon from
> Washington, and she is showing how she intends to do so.  It gives
> Republicans a reason to vote for her ("That Dem will bring us money--I can
> live with that") and Democrats & many independents who don't like the idea
> will still vote for her ("Better than the alternative").
> What do I think of her strategy?  Boo!   Bigger highways sometimes mean
> better safety, but they always mean more traffic and more development.  In
> case you haven't guessed, I'm against those things.  Let's have her bring
> in money for our schools, our health care, pollution reduction,
> transit & freight (including rail), and alternative power (there are
> certainly areas in Idaho that would be great for wind & solar power).  But
> not a four-lane monster that will mean more traffic, more accidents, more
> development, and a declining lifestyle.
> Bob Hoffmann
> 229 East C St., Suite B
> Moscow, ID  83843  USA
> Phone: (208) 883-0642
> Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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