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Re: Alturas

At 01:24 PM 12/20/1999 -0800, John and Laurie Danahy wrote:
>Stepping aside from the "loophole" questions, it seems to this poor
>uninformed individual that the only way to measure success of the Alturas
>park is the number of businesses that graduate from the park into full
>fledged stand alone enterprises.

I think you are confusing the technology park with the business 
incubator.  The trend has been for businesses to graduate from the 
incubator into the park (or to other locations).  It is my understanding 
that there is no "graduation" goal with the technology park.  Its goal is 
not to shelter young companies until they are ready to find new digs, 
rather the goal is to provide hi-tech companies a suitable location to 
roost, forever if that is agreeable to the companies.  What Moscow 
supposedly gains from this is the RETENTION of local technology companies 
(whereas Moscow gains from the business incubator through the GROWTH of 
small, local technology companies).  Different facilities; different goals.

Since not even phase one of the technology park has reached the desired 
occupancy level, I think no one would call the park an unqualified 
success.  But it's not a total failure, either.

Bob Hoffmann
229 East C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID  83843  USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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