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Re: school gun control legislation

>to meet local needs.
We have to wonder what 'needs' could impel any local district authorities 
to grant any license to anyone, other than police and certified guards, 
to carry any lethal weapon on school grounds! In today's violent-prone 
society, stretching the "right to bear arms" to include the right to 
carry lethal weapons in school environemnts borders on the insane -- we 
will continue to self-destruct beginning at jr.-hi school!  We hope you 
will stand up for civility against those pro-gun interests who think 
hunting is a call to carry one's weapon anywhere one pleases.  Your 
opinion on this is asked for, if you will, and your expected legislative 
stand. Thanks for the message. W. Ken Medlin

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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