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Re: Public service/New construction

Yes, of course. An enlightened, caring and principled community 
(including. of course, its august civic leaders, public and private) can 
shape its environment in pleasant ways. In Santa Fe, N.M., the community 
long ago saw the advantages of preventing high rise craze and shaping 
their buildings to conform with historical Native American and Hispanic 
cultural forms, limiting both height and design. It fostered genuinely 
pleasant  urban configurations that blend beautifully with the 
surrounding terrains and tones -- results that help attract hundreds of 
thousands of tourists (if you like them) every year, to the benefit of 
restaurants, gas stations and other merchants, who make money without the 
eye sores of most other urban places. Yes, it can be done, but only by 
consensus. Otherwise, let the money-minded folks lead us blindly down the 
path of unsmart growth and ugly surroundings. We have enough of those 
already, tho. Just one more thought for your food. Ken M.

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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