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Re: Why Capitalists Want To Sell You Deodorant

>responsible for the University you go to
Seems to me that the argument gets a little fuzzy here, notwithstanding 
that we enjoy most of what we have to a free enterprise system and 
competitive business practices, perhaps the envy of the world. Yet, our 
'forefathers' had the wisdom to place a share of our landed inheritance 
(secured thru occuation, of course, of Native American territories) in 
perpetual trusts, such as the land-grant universities. The U of I and WSU 
are such beneficiaries of the Morrill Acts dating from the l860's, 
designed to establish colleges so as to  ensure youth of education 
essential to economic and social development of the Nation. Such 
legislation had nothing to do with capitalism or free enterprise, to 
which the colleges nonetheless contributed. Healthy economic development 
depends equally on good and fair social legislation that benefits not 
just one sector of society but all participants. That's an ethic that 
bears good fruit and promotes sustainable, productive and fair economic 
institutions. Today, both public taxes and grants from private funds 
support the schools we have. To some extent, the public character of our 
schools at all levels is in jeopardy as public support has experienced 
some weakening -- people put limits on public funding. The future of the 
Morrill principles seems uncertain. Any comments on this issue are most 
welcome, and needed! 

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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