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Re: Corridor Development

As an alternative (a different route for urban sprawl) you are still 
'constrained' by concepts of economic and social development that 
ultimately destroy sustainability of the life forms that compose this 
planet -- destroy those life forms, or biotic systems, and you undermine 
life itself. The new bio-engineering and hi-tech ideologies that most ag. 
economists support today can never replace what nature has given us. Yet, 
the funding of these novelties marches blindly on, while funding of 
scientific efforts to evaluate what is and could happen if we fail to 
heed the signs we already have, is grossly inadequate to the tasks. Do 
you (does he) inform  students of real alternatives, or is there just one 
scenario? True education must be fully open-ended and not biased to one 
'solution' to economic growth. Some data from the "Worldwatch" projects 
are really informative, and carry  warnings we ought not ignore.  W. Ken 

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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