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Re: UI College of Law Drug Policy Forum

If there was no Daily News coverage of the Drug Policy
Forum, it wasn't because they weren't notified. 
I spoke with Tina McClure about it the week before the
event. Tina told me that one of the other reporters
would be in touch, but he never called. I was told 
that the forum found its way into the Community
Calendar. But that's it. 
 I'd like to hear if they did find the event worth a
few column inches. A UI Journalism prof told me he
finds the News to be weak in local news coverage.
Maybe he's right. 

We don't subscribe to the News anymore because of
their bizarre policy of not offering "Weekend only"
subscriptions.  Since we rarely have time to read the
paper every day, a subscription seemed like a waste of
Tim Lohrmann

--- G M <> wrote:
> I couldn't find any coverage of Monday night's forum
> in Tuesday's Tribune and I've yet to see Tuesday's
> Daily News so am unaware if they were in attendance.
> Thank you Tim Lohrman, Ken Nagy and others for
> putting
> on this well-attended, thought provoking evening
> featuring drug policy reform activist Nora Callahan,
> founder of the November Coalition.
> Nora's intelligent, rational, down-to-earth
> presentation was refreshing, alarming and rare in
> our
> current climate of fear and reactionary politics. 
> Information made available Monday night is almost
> overwhelming when reviewed.  
> The facts, the devastating effects of current
> policy,
> prison guards who literally are stockholders in the
> private incarceration industry, the lobbying of
> state
> and national legislatures to pass tougher sentencing
> laws thereby ensuring corporate prison profits, how
> science and common sense are sacrificed in the name
> of
> creating that mythical "Drug"-Free America (or,
> according to Senate Bill 5, a "Drug-Free Century") -
> all combine to paint a dark landscape littered with
> destroyed families, drug-prohibition related crime,
> an
> assault on civil liberties and billions upon
> billions
> of tax dollars wasted on policy that fails miserably
> in its attempt to curb substance abuse.  
> Treating substance abuse as a crime rather than a
> public health problem has brought us here.  And,
> despite the consequences that may follow publically
> criticizing current policy, only we as citizens will
> be able to dig ourselves out of the abyss.
> Greg Meyer
> =====
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