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Re: Gun Thoughts

>He came out brandishing a gun, and it accidentally went off hitting the =
>boy in the head.  

Firstly:  He was obviously pointing it in his general direction then.  
Depending on the range, many people would have trouble hitting a target WHILE 
aiming, let alone through the fortunes of an "accidental discharge."

Secondly, there are NO "accidental discharges."

>Granted the man has a right to protect his property, but did he 
>have to use a loaded gun to make his point?  

Not in this manner, he didn't.  Few states recognize any right to use deadly 
force in defense of personal property.

>Did any one see the CBS report on the city that sold its surplus weapons =
>through a reputable dealer only to have find them back on the streets?  =

Where the hell else are they going to end up?  Consumers are everyday people, 
the people on the streets.  The police KNOW that their surplus weapons end up 
in the hands of normal citizens.  Naturally, some end up in the hands of 
criminals and will be used in crime.  One of the guns that Buford 
Whatshisname used to shoot up that Jewish center was a police surplus from a 
department in either Washington or Oregon.


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