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Candidates' views available on website

NEWS from Moscow Vision 2020
         Oct. 25, 1999
         More information:
         Bill London, 882-0127

City candidates' views
available on website

 Seven of the eight candidates for Moscow City Council have responded to
a series of questions about the future of the community submitted by
Moscow Vision 2020.  The responses are available in a user-friendly
format on the World Wide Web.
 Moscow Vision 2020 is a multi-partisan citizens group that sponsors a
daily discussion of local issues via an e-mail list server.   The group
last surveyed council candidates in 1995.
 The questions, suggested by members of the group, deal with six areas:
extension of services into the Pullman-Moscow corridor, economic
development, downtown Moscow, the region's water supply, zoning and
subdivision regulations, and quality of life.
 "We're pleased at the quality of responses we received," said Bill
London, a member of the Vision 2020 steering committee.  "This gives
citizens an easy way to compare the candidates' positions on issues
before the elections."
 The website was donated by First Step Internet of Moscow.  The page can
be found at   In addition to
the questions and answers, it includes a capsule biography of each
 For voters without access to the Internet, the information has also
been placed in a notebook at the reference desk of the Moscow-Latah
Public Library, London said.
 Several candidates already have used the Vision 2020 listserver to
introduce themselves to the nearly 250 subscribers to the mailing list.
"This is an example of how the Internet can enhance civic dialogue,"
London said.
 The following candidates responded to the questionnaire: Aaron Ament,
Steve Busch, Mike Curley, Jack Hill, Evan Holmes, Mike Thomason and
Travis Tonn.   Moscow voters will choose three council members in the
Nov. 2 election.
 Information about subscribing to the free mailing list is available at: under the Vision 2020 heading.


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