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Re: Which way to the egg?

Hi, to "Hey" -- Maybe the ID DOT hasn't told us about their secret fund 
yet, which will swoop in on one of the railroad tracks and, voila!, you 
have a super bypass!  Who knows? Maybe we have to ask the big question, 
What indeed are the plans if any to facilitate increased traffice 
east-and-west into the twin cities? If any of our state reps (Ringo, 
Schroeder or Trail) are listening, would you please comment on this 
issue? Why is the money for US-95 already secured without any provision 
for the city arteries to accomodate the increased flow? Or, do you have 
information (whose analysis?) that there will NOT be any change in the 
vehicular count, come 2002? Highly unlikely. If only the media would keep 
the people better informed! But then, all the special deals that are/will 
be going on would be out of the bag, opening up community speculative 
inquiries. So, we'll probably go the way all the other urban areas have 
gone -- the deals are done before they hit the street.We have only 
ourselves to account for that. Ken M. 

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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