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Moscow City Council

I want to thank the many people on Moscow 2020 for responding to me with
issues important to you.  I am committed to being accessible.

So that you may know more about me, I have a web site at

Thanks to Tim Hillebrand you can view my qualifications, committments,
issues I want to support, and things I think we should do something about.

There are some quotes worth reading from community leaders, together with
an opportunity for your comments and/or suggestions.

I'm a novice at running for office.  If you want to help in my door to door
campaign, host a social to fund raise and get the word out, help with
getting yard signs out and/or donate money (I can't believe how much it
costs).  I want you to be part of my campaign.

Please contact me about issues that are important to you.
See the web site or call me at 883-3261.

                             Jack Hill

Jack Hill
Candidate for Moscow City Council
Visit my website:

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