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Re: is e-commerce a the threat to main street trade?

of course it's not a necessity, we havent been to a movie in years, some people enjoy a movie and dinner, etc. our daughter goes every week!! To each his own. I feel it's a waste of money, most movies are junk, not all, just most... SO when it's out on video we have people over, (after we have gotten first hand reviews from our friends) or just rent one once in awhile by ourselves. $1.79 - $3.00 is cheaper than (what is a movie now anyway?) and my popcorn is much better. It has nothing to do with "avoiding our obligation of rubbing shoulders with the unwashed masses" what does that mean anyway?


JS M wrote:

Well, I suppose you could stay home, and see it all on the little box.
Which is kind of the point: The trend towards electronic transactions like
pay-per-view movies lets us avoid our obligation(?) to rub shoulders with
the un-washed masses on our main streets.  With out the need for a main
street, what's to keep future communities anywhere from looking like the
Cleveland you've described?

>From: Robert Hoffmann <>
>It's a necessity to go to the movies?

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