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Re: More Help Please

I hate to be the only one to say this but, if your so worried about the
land impact of putting a devloped campgroung there after you and your
family have used that area for 70 odd years.  What are you really trying to
save the land or just your own private intrestes? No im not trying to start
a war and I can understand your concerns but it seems to me that you are
trying to stop the goverment from bulding a facility that everyone could
use (including you and your family) just because you were there first.  I
don't mean to pick but why souldn't others get camp in that area.  If you
were turly worried about the fish and so on you would have done a
envoriment impact study when your family reunions started taking place there.
Just thinking outloud
Robert Moore 
>Again thanks for everyones help in sending me in the
>right direction with regard to Shirley Ringo and my
>Forest Service dilemma. 
>I have some more questions that ya'll will probably
>have answers to.
>What I am wondering is when the Forest Service decides
>to develop a new campsite do they have to do any sort
>of impact studies with regard to lands and streams in
>the surrounding areas?
>Thanks again in advance for your help
>Lori Sodorff
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