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Re: Oct 9th PERSI Town Meeting--Idaho Public TV

It is also the retirement system used for Public school teachers, police,
and I believe firemen.  The current debate in regards to persi seems to be
resolving around the "rule of 90" or when people can retire fully.  I
believe the thinking is to reduce the rule of 90 to the rule of 85, thus
allowing people to retire earlier.  This is an option because persi has
invested so well that it is currently around 109%
If you go to the Idaho State Legislature web page, and click on interim
committees, you will find the minutes of the meetings held so far.  these
minutes will help answer questions regarding what's up.
John and Laurie Danahy
-----Original Message-----
From: Leo Ames <>
To: Keith Russell <>;
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Oct 9th PERSI Town Meeting--Idaho Public TV

>RE: Query about what is PERSI?
>    Others can answer the question better than I, and in greater detail,
>the short answer is that it is the Public Employees Retirement System of
>Idaho. From about 1965 until the early 1990s, it was THE employee
>program for Idaho's public employees. Prior to the mid-sixties, employees
>could develop a retirement package with TIAA-CREF. In late 80s or early
>employees were given an option of staying with PERSI or taking CREF. Most,
>if not all, new hirees to the UI, for instance, opted for the more portable
>and flexible CREF program. Some of us who had invested decades into PERSI
>found it to our advantage to stay with it. There are probably many
>employees still with that program, I suspect, who need to be concerned
>    For more information, you can contact the Human Resources Office of the
>University (on West Sixth St., west of Taco Time). Or the state office in
>    I retired with benefit of PERSI, but am no expert on it (my wife may
>- I'm more of a "historian" because of longevity with the university. (;->
>    ................ Leo Ames, Moscow
>>From: Keith Russell <>
>>To: "'Tom Trail'" <>, ""
>>Subject: RE: Oct 9th PERSI Town Meeting--Idaho Public TV
>>Date: Wed, Sep 29, 1999, 2:34 PM
>>I am not familiar with PERSI.  What is PERSI and what will the focus of
>>meetings be?
>>Keith C. Russell,  Ph.D.
>>Adjunct Assistant Professor, Resource Recreation and Tourism and
>>Leader, Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Research Cooperative
>>University of Idaho-Wilderness Research Center
>>CFWR Room 18a
>>Moscow, ID 83844-1144
>>Phone:  208.885.2269
>>Fax:    208.885.6810
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tom Trail []
>>Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 12:28 AM
>>Subject: Oct 9th PERSI Town Meeting--Idaho Public TV
>>One of the Interim Legislative Committees that has been meeting this
>>and fall has been
>>developing legislation concerning the PERSI Program.   Sen. Margarite
>>McLaughlin,  Sen.
>>Joe Stegner, and I are the north Idaho legislative members of the
>>committee.  The three of us
>>us wanted to hold public hearings around the state to update the public as
>>well as solicit public
>>input.   Because of economic reasons no public hearings will be funded.
>>However, the three of us felt it was important enough to hold town
>>in the North
>>to update the public and get citizen input.  Our next meeting is scheduled
>>for Octob er 26th and
>>a final meeting will be held in November to craft the legislation.   Some
>>of the committee members
>>from S.E. Idaho will also hold town meetings.
>>We have scheduled the town meetings with Idaho Public TV for October 9th
>>from 1-3 pm.  It is not
>>a perfect date but the best we could work out.   The University of Idaho
>>location will be at the TV
>>Studio just behind the Admin. Bldg.   The Lewiston site is at Lewis Clark
>>State College in the
>>Multi-Media Bldg in the TCC Room   The Contact is Doug McCartnie
>>(799-2228).  The
>>University of Idaho contact is Gens Johnson (885-6724).   The Couer d'
>>Alene meeting will
>>be held at the Library Bld on the NIC campus.  The contact is Candice
>>Wheeler.  Her phone is
>>769-5902.   Alan Winkle, PERSI Director, will be with us at the meeting.
>>We urge all interested citizen to attend the town meetings.   We are not
>>set up for phone calls.
>>If you have any specific calls, please call Sen. Joe Stegner 208-743-3032.
>>Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5
>>Dr. Tom Trail
>>International Trails
>>2039 Mt. View Rd.
>>Moscow, Id. 83843
>>Tel:  (208) 882-6077
>>Fax:  (208) 882-0896
>>e mail

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