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Re: More Help Please

Dear Robert,

And I use that term loosely.  My family for the past
78 years have been very careful to leave the land as
though no-one has been there other than leaving a fire
ring and a place to set our grill to have our annual
fish fry.  As the Native Americans have done for years
we have been more than careful to "walk softly upon
the land"  as we are natives of North Idaho and
Eastern Washington and care deeply about the land we
are and continue to be caretakers of the land because
as we know no-one cane own land we are mearly keepers
of the gate.  I take great offense from your words.  I
have no problem with people camping in Elk River but,
when you start to develop camp grounds -of which there
are next to none in Elk River - you also invite more
stress upon the land.  

Have you personaly ever camped in Elk River?
Where did you camp and for how ling?
Do you own an ATV?
If so where do you ride it?
Do you own a 4-wheeler?

I have taken great offense to the statement that you
thought woud not start a war but, my firend you have
indeed opened a can of worm.  I have spen numorous
hours cleaning up behind weekend campers and the
diapers and tampoons and beer bottles and beer cans
and other assorted trash behind.  And if nothing more
than being compensated for the cleanup efforts on the
part of my family I feel that we deserve to be able to
continue to practice our family tradition in the same
maner which we have done for more than six centuries. 
It is my guess that you could not say the same of your
own family.

Therefore, your thoughts about my family doing some
sort of area impact is mute.  I don't know what your
relationship is with your family is but mine is closer
than anyone I have ever met and I have been and lived
all over the United States and the most united I have
ever felt is when I am in the boosom of my family on
the fourth-of-July.  It's like when you go to church
because your spiritual fuel tank needs to be refilled,
well that's what I get when I go to Fourth-July and
then I am filled up for the year.

I don't think that it is too much to ask for. 
afterall it is, as a result of my family, now Holy
ground a place of internment.  And I ask you would you
go into a grave yard and creat a campground.  For that
matter would you want to camp in a graveyard?

I ernestly await your response.

Lori Sodorff


--- Robert Moore <> wrote:
> I hate to be the only one to say this but, if your
> so worried about the
> land impact of putting a devloped campgroung there
> after you and your
> family have used that area for 70 odd years.  What
> are you really trying to
> save the land or just your own private intrestes? No
> im not trying to start
> a war and I can understand your concerns but it
> seems to me that you are
> trying to stop the goverment from bulding a facility
> that everyone could
> use (including you and your family) just because you
> were there first.  I
> don't mean to pick but why souldn't others get camp
> in that area.  If you
> were turly worried about the fish and so on you
> would have done a
> envoriment impact study when your family reunions
> started taking place there.
> Just thinking outloud
> Robert Moore 
> >
> >Again thanks for everyones help in sending me in
> the
> >right direction with regard to Shirley Ringo and my
> >Forest Service dilemma. 
> >
> >I have some more questions that ya'll will probably
> >have answers to.
> >
> >
> >What I am wondering is when the Forest Service
> decides
> >to develop a new campsite do they have to do any
> sort
> >of impact studies with regard to lands and streams
> in
> >the surrounding areas?
> >
> >Thanks again in advance for your help
> >Lori Sodorff
> >
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