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Re: vision2020-digest Digest V99 #192

Banning truck traffic on Highway 12 could create a real hardship for folks in Orofino, Kamiah and Kooskia, but what about banning trucks on that very narrow, curving stretch from Kooskia to the Montana border?  We have encountered quite a few heavy trucks on our side of the road as we travel along the Lochsa.  Another problem is people on bicycles.  The shoulder is so narrow they are often forced to bike on the highway.  That is really a tragedy waiting to happen.  And if traffic increases as the centennial draws closer you can be sure that tragedy will happen.  It isn't the fault of the bikers.  They really have no option on certain stretches of the road.
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Swift
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: vision2020-digest Digest V99 #192

At 08:55 AM 9/14/99 -0700, it was suggested:

The trucks have a better route via I 90 through Mullan Pass and then to
river ports. It's also an Interstate.

I recommended to one of the State Highway commissioners US 12 be converted
into a "Parkway" with trucks banned. He was not very excited about
this--obviously captive to the highway and auto industries.

My comment is to circulate petitions to ban the trucks from Spalding
junction to the Highway 93 junction in Montana. Local service trucks

This is a great idea. We were recently up on the Lochsa and it is a beautiful area but the large number of trucks rolling along the river was annoying. Perhaps (although I doubt it) some would be more receptive to this with all the Lewis & Clark hoopla going on. I can't imagine that towns along that route benefit that much from the truck traffic. How many of these trucks are bound for the Port of Lewiston??

Thanks, Charles.        

       Charles E. Swift 
        Moscow, Idaho

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