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Re: What is success?!

Or is the moral lesson that the Idaho legislators are capable of manning a
flying saucer?
John and Laurie Danahy
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Coombs <>
To: <>
Cc: <>;
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: What is success?!

>Robert Hoffman already said it better, but maybe it's worth my getting on
>record with the second appreciation for the correct information on the
>Winston Churchill/Fleming story.
>Stories like the one linking Winston Churchill and Fleming are offered as
>evidence to support some generalization. If they are patently false, they
>gum up the whole process of rational consideration.
>I DO need to know when something like that is patently false, and I
>appreciate having it brought to my attention. Basing moral lessons on lies
>seems a poor approach.
>But: Did you hear that the real Idaho legislators soon will be returned to
>earth, and the phonies who have been filling in will go back to the flying
>saucer? (This is an acceptable report because 1) it is true, and 2) the
>moral lesson is not obvious. In fact, it is extremely obscure.)
>Don H. Coombs
>861 Harold St.
>Moscow ID 83843
>(208) 882-8720
>On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 wrote:
>> Thank you for another item for my "Things I really did not need to know"
>> file.  The first story was much better.  I would like to believe the
>> remains the same.

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