Re: What is success?!
Robert Hoffman already said it better, but maybe it's worth my getting on
record with the second appreciation for the correct information on the
Winston Churchill/Fleming story.
Stories like the one linking Winston Churchill and Fleming are offered as
evidence to support some generalization. If they are patently false, they
gum up the whole process of rational consideration.
I DO need to know when something like that is patently false, and I
appreciate having it brought to my attention. Basing moral lessons on lies
seems a poor approach.
But: Did you hear that the real Idaho legislators soon will be returned to
earth, and the phonies who have been filling in will go back to the flying
saucer? (This is an acceptable report because 1) it is true, and 2) the
moral lesson is not obvious. In fact, it is extremely obscure.)
Don H. Coombs
861 Harold St.
Moscow ID 83843
(208) 882-8720
On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 wrote:
> Thank you for another item for my "Things I really did not need to know"
> file. The first story was much better. I would like to believe the moral
> remains the same.
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