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Re: Cablevision

At 03:31 PM 7/26/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear Vision 2020-ers,
>A colleague who has cable reports that on Channel 11 of the local cable
>network--the public announcements channel--the following advertisement can
>be seen:
> Warning
> Moscow & Area Residents
> How long are we going to allow Gay and Lesbian people to publicly
> demoralize and lower the standards of our city?
> Please voice a peaceful protest to your City Council.
> Neal Stenerson
> Box 8661, Moscow
In a society that defends the rights of differing people to express their
opinions, you cannot say that one person's opinion is more right than
another's.  Would you have objected to an ad about the recent gay pride
gathering or the drag show?  Or is that the "right" expression of rights
while the current one is "wrong"?  Are you going to talk to the cable tv
people objecting to the current ad?  Let's censor the public airways.
After all, that dude is obviously unenlightened and does not know the
correct way of thinking.  

Obviously, I am being a bit facetious.  But only a bit.  I may not agree
with one side (or both, for that matter, but it's for you to guess which I
may agree with--it doesn't matter) but that side has just as much right to
state its views and beliefs as the other.  


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