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Dear Vision 2020-ers,

A colleague who has cable reports that on Channel 11 of the local cable
network--the public announcements channel--the following advertisement can
be seen:

 Moscow & Area Residents
 How long are we going to allow Gay and Lesbian people to publicly
 demoralize and lower the standards of our city?
 Please voice a peaceful protest to your City Council.
 Neal Stenerson
 Box 8661, Moscow

She expressed concern that such an advertisement could appear on television.
I spoke with the secretary for the City Council, who seemed quite astonished
by the news; she hadn't heard from anyone, peaceful or otherwise, on the
subject.  I am hoping to hear from the local Cablevision office this
afternoon--one can't, it seems, call them directly, but must wait for them
to get back to you--and if I don't, I'll stop by tomorrow morning to discuss
it with them in person.

Does anyone know about the policies which govern advertisements on Channel
11?  Has anyone else seen the advertisement?  I'm a little taken aback by
it--last time I saw the public announcements channel, it seemed to be
largely announcements of yard sales and public meetings.  This seems rather
out of the ordinary.

Any information on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Melynda Huskey

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