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Re: FW: Serial Cat Killer

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Mike Curley wrote:

> Perhaps if we had some information from the police about the crimes we as a 
> community could watch for more specific behavior at more specific times of day. 
> If you have learned anything that would allow us to be more informed observers, 
> please pass it along.  Since it is summer, I would expect the police dept to 
> have more resources available to investigate the mutilations (which is what 
> the police can "do"--it's pretty unlikely that the perpetrators will call 
> first and say "come watch").  Perhaps more of us need to be contacting the   
> Chief and letting him know we expect the incidents to be investigated.  Perhaps 
> that's already being done--it isn't always in the best interests of catching 
> someone to provide details of the investigation.  so, Chief Weaver, if you're 
> reading this, could you let us know the department is taking these killings and 
> mutilations seriously?

Actually he did post yesterday that the police are taking this seriously
and asked that the people in the community to keep their eyes open as they
are the police depts best resource.

Jean C
 "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
     Eleanor Roosevelt

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