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New school weapons law

What the heck law are we talking about that allows minors to have weapons at

Here's a link:

Here's the "statement of purpose":
"The purpose of this legislation is to prohibit both juveniles and
adults from carrying weapons on school grounds. Under current law,
adults may carry weapons on school property regardless of their
intent. The legislation also defines weapons that had previously
not been included."

It apears, basically, to continue to make it ILLEGAL for minors to have
weapons on school grounds or school transportation and now includes adults
also, while allowing for lawfully possessed firearms to be secured in vehicles
which are on school grounds (a hunting exemption?), and for persons delivering
or picking up students to be exempt from the law.

There is also an exemption for concealed carry permit holders which allows
them to carry in a school or on school property.  (FYI you currently must be
21 to obtain a concealed carry permit in Idaho.)

Am I reading it wrong?  Please correct anything that I've posted which is
incorrect.  Weren't we arguing, among other things, about how this law would
allow minors to carry weapons at school?  Didn't we all think that was nuts?

I won't be arguing pro-concealed carry anymore.  I won't convince you, you
won't convince me.  My apologies to anyone I've offended.  But I figure we can
at least discuss the law knowing what it actually says.

Erik O'Daniel

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