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Re: recycling

     I would agree that this is better than not recycling at all, but I do
not agree that this is better than what I was doing before.  To me it is
much more convenient to drop off my recyclables than to try and decipher
these muddled new rules.  As to a fee, tonight's paper said the City of
Moscow was paying $2.50 per household per month (I think that is correct).
I ask where does the city get its funds if not us.


John and Laurie Danahy
-----Original Message-----
From: Judi Thompson <>
To: Sam Scripter <>; Moscow2020 <>
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: recycling

>Sam and others...
>I called the recycling center today and had most all my questions
>answered.  We are NOT being charged a new fee.  This is part of the
>agreement between the city and Latah Sanitation.  Most recyclables don't
>bring in much money...but it is better than dumping them in a landfile
>The process is complicated because of the weight limit on what can be
>picked up at one time.  That's why the various colors of glass can't be
>picked up all at the same time.
>We really have a great system and with the recent rate reduction
>something must be going right.
>Take care and have a nice night!
>Judi Thompson

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