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Re: Legislature and schools

Well most people who use guns are very law-abiding and aren't nutso, but
that doesn't make it smart to allow guns on school property.   Do you
really believe, Erikus4, that anyone should have the right to carry a gun
anywhere s/he chooses? That's a pretty farfetched interpretation of the
Second Amendment.      

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Legislature and schools
> Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 12:09 PM
> > Today's Spokesman Review reports that they've passed a bill to 
> > allow those with concealed weapons permits to carry them on 
> > school property
> People with concealed carry permits are generally VERY law-abiding and
> NOT a member of the very small percentage of people who go nutso and
> shooting children.
> Thank you Legislature for recognizing that the rights and actions of the
> should not be limited by the actions of the very few.
> What did Lincoln say?  "Conceived in Liberty"?  
> Liberty, not oppression.  Why is that so hard to understand?
> E. O'Daniel

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