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Re: Moscow-Pullman Corridor: A Modest Proposal

My thanks to Linda Pall for both recognizing that the Pullman-Moscow 
Corridor is a resource we all share here on the Palouse, and working to 
seek a process that allows us all to voice our concerns and share in the 

Linda-Please keep the Vision 2020 list informed about the progress of 
your proposal.  Perhaps you could let the list know what part Vision 
2020 could play in publicizing or participating in any meeting.  Thanks 

>From: Linda Pall <>
>Subject: Moscow-Pullman Corridor: A Modest Proposal
>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 20:39:02 -0800
>Dear Visionaries,
>At the recent (2/24/99) Moscow City Council/Moscow Planning and Zoning 
>setting summit, Pam Palmer, Council member, very thoughtfully raised 
>issue of the corridor for our consideration. We discussed this and 
>that the role of the City of Moscow is pretty small in the planning
>decisions to be made about the corridor. Frustration abounded.
>However, we certainly have control of utilities extension and 
development in
>the area immediately over the border. We also have an immediate 
interest in
>what is developed there because of the economic, physical and aesthetic
>impacts such development might have.
>As a result of our meeting, the group jointly recommended annual
>education/training/issue discussion sessions for the Council and the
>PLanning Commission.
>With this impetus, perhaps with the City of Pullman, the Whitman County
>Commissioners and those of us on this side of the tracks interested in 
>important decisions, why not organize a broad-based planning and design
>session (1-2 days with professional staff and facilitators) to address
>citizen and governmental concerns jointly? We have done this 
effectively in
>the past in both communities, coming to a consensus and moving forward 
>more unity of process and purpose. 
>It is essential to provide meaningful opportunities for citizens to 
>the critical development issues, finding common ground between the
>development community and the preservationists, between those of us
>concerned about conservation of agricultural land and the rural 
>surrounding our communities and those of us anxious to put our economic
>dreams to work. Surely, there is common ground and there are effective
>ground rules that can promote a sustainable land use and community
>development outcome.
>I will formally transmit this proposal to the City of Moscow, City of
>Pullman, University of Idaho and W.S.U., and Whitman COunty...any one 
>interested, feel free to consider this idea. With the support and 
>of Whitman COunty, we could address the very real concerns of all of us
>about this critical piece of ground that unites two cities, two
>universities, two states, and hundreds of thousands of opportunities.
>I would appreciate any comments on this idea, suggestions for 
>etc. Thanks for your time reading this and your interest in progressive
>policies to keep the Palouse the Palouse!
>All the best,
>Linda Pall
>Moscow City COuncil Member

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