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Re: Fair Gas Prices

The price of cigarettes, Slim-Jims, ammo and Coke are NOT extra-high in
Moscow, as suggested by Robert Hoffmann. As far as I know, only the cost
of gasoline is extra high.

If you can figure out that this is just an extra toll you pay to live in
Moscow, I admire your adaptability. (I would pay an extra dime a gallon to
live in Moscow if there were any logical reason why people in Moscow
should have to pay that toll.)

You can't eat gasoline, so obviously the Co-op shouldn't sell it? I want
only the best for the Co-op, but training personnel to use scanners for
checkout should be manageable in a few weeks or a few months. The people
who check me out seem pretty intelligent.

Perhaps when WSU and UI recruit new faculty members they should mention
that there is a toll for living here which is not in any way connected
with economic reality?

Don H. Coombs

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