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Re: Fair Gas Prices

At 03:03 PM 1/21/99 -0800, Don Coombs wrote:

>A month or so ago Bill London said now was no time for the Co-op to
>consider selling gas, because of the move to the new location etc. I think
>he meant that now was no time for the Co-op to start selling gas. It
>strikes me that it is the absolutely perfect time for the Co-op to start
>thinking about selling gas. 

I've heard Co-op people say that it will take a year to work out the
wrinkles in its new operation.  In my mind (and in the mind of some of its
employees), the Co-op's next big move is to buy and install
point-of-purchase scanners.  This is a sizable investment, and will also
take a considerable amount of training, adjustment, etc.  It will directly
benefit the Co-op's way of doing business, by shortening time at the
register, and by helping track inventory.

If the Co-op were to sell gasoline, it would have two options:  To install
its own pumps, and to purchase an existing operation.

Anyone who's seen the Co-op parking lot in the past two weeks knows there
is no room existing at its current location.  This means that the Co-op
would have to split its operations into two different locations.  Not a
desirable option.

The cost to install EPA-approved underground storage containers is in the
hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Thousands of gas stations have recently
closed, as they were unable to come into compliance.  Purchasing an
existing operation would be likewise expensive (especially since this is
apparently the most lucrative market in the nation, as you imply).  The
Co-op has around $300,000 of new debt stemming from its recent move.  I
don't think they (or, I should say, _we_) would be ready to take on even
more debt at the moment.

Here is the Mission Statement of the Co-op:
The mission of the Moscow Food Co-op is to provide food and other products
that are reasonably priced, locally grown and/or organic, and consciously
selected for healthful consequences to both the consumer and the
environment. The Moscow Food Co-op provides an information network that
fosters progressive social, political, and ecological change. The Co-op
strives to provide a sense of community for its constituency and right
livelihood for its staff. Our goal is to continue these services.

We see terms such as "healthful consequences" and "ecological change."
While the Co-op might theoretically be able to benefit the consumer with
lower petrol prices, I really don't see the sale of fossil fuel to be
within the mandate of the Co-op.  I'd use my membership to oppose it.

Lest anybody get the idea that I'm just too negative (perish the thought!),
I'd like to modify the above idea slightly.  There seem to be a good number
of people on Vision 2020 who complain about the price of gas in Moscow.
Why don't you all get together and form your own co-operative with the goal
of selling gasoline?  Maybe there's even an existing organization
(excluding the Food Co-op) which would be willing to take this project
under its wing.

It could lead to greater things.  The Gas Co-op might discover that the
price of cigarettes, Slim-Jims, ammo, and Coke are also inflated, and it
might benefit the community by offering these items at a lower price.

One can always dream....

P.S., a thought to chew on from my sweetie:  The Food Co-op may not ever
sell gasoline, but they sell plenty of beans:  In cans, in bulk, and
processed in various forms.  That should produce all the gas you'd ever need!

Robert Hoffmann                      817 S. Adams
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
	             Fax:   (208) 883-8545

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