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RE: The real problem with hate crime legislation

I think concessions should be made on both sides of this issue.  I am
a Christian but think the fixation that some churches have on
homosexuality is shamefully inconsistent.  They do foster an
imbalanced perspective.  Consistency would require that they march and
rally about a host of ethical concerns besides homosexuality.

On the other hand, I would hate to think that taking a stand on an
issue is tantamount to perpetrating hatred.  I hope that I can say,
for example, that I believe adultery is unethical without fostering
any hatred, or being called adultery-phobic.

I see hypocrisy when churches focus exclusively on homosexuality and I
see hypocrisy when people take a stand against people taking stands.

Jason Abbott       - Boise, Idaho, USA -
Home: 208/336-3678 - Work: 208/364-4051 - FAX: 208/364-4035

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