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RE: The real problem with hate crime legislation

Adultery is a pretty easy subject to take a stand against especially when
it adversely affects other people like children and jilted spouses.  I'm
usually outraged when an individual or a group of people engage in behavior
that adversely affect other people against their will.  I just have a hard
time seeing any victims within a scenario of a consensual same sex
relationship.  My advice to the Trent Lotts, Pat Robertsons, and Jerry
Falwells of the world is to turn to God for strength in moving toward
acceptance and tolerance of this minority group.


At 11:57 AM 10/27/98 -0700, Jason Abbott wrote:
>I think concessions should be made on both sides of this issue.  I am
>a Christian but think the fixation that some churches have on
>homosexuality is shamefully inconsistent.  They do foster an
>imbalanced perspective.  Consistency would require that they march and
>rally about a host of ethical concerns besides homosexuality.
>On the other hand, I would hate to think that taking a stand on an
>issue is tantamount to perpetrating hatred.  I hope that I can say,
>for example, that I believe adultery is unethical without fostering
>any hatred, or being called adultery-phobic.
>I see hypocrisy when churches focus exclusively on homosexuality and I
>see hypocrisy when people take a stand against people taking stands.
>Jason Abbott       - Boise, Idaho, USA
> -
>Home: 208/336-3678 - Work: 208/364-4051 - FAX: 208/364-4035

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