Re: The real problem with hate crime legislation
On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Briana LeClaire wrote:
> Professor Goble, the only instance I know of where Trent Lott has made
> any kind of widely-heard statement about homosexuality is when he said
> he thinks homosexual behavior is sinful. Well, according to 2,000
> years of Christian tradition, it is. Is that the heated rhetoric
The historical data indicates that it is not a 2,000 year old christian
tradition -- but rather a relatively recent change in perceptions.
Furthermore, it is an issue that has been seized upon to create fear --
watch out, the gays are coming to destroy your family. It is *this* that
is the problem: the demonizing for political purposes. Now that the Right
has lost the commies to instill fear, it needs something else.
> And speaking of demonizing a group and wishing to exclude them from
> the body politic, I hope your heated rhetoric doesn't cause anyone to
> go out and commit violence against Christians. Or perhaps people who
> do that sort of thing have something wrong with them other than whom
> they can't stand.
Saying bad things about Pat Robertson is hardly saying bad things about
christians. I do not accept his statements that he speaks for all
christians or that the christian faith has the unitary theology that he
claims to know with such unerring certainty.
Actually, I am only making fun of his meteorological ability.
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