Re: Alleged Wyoming hate crime
Scott, you're starting to scare me. I agree with you! ;-)
Seriously, I can't think of a worse place for these guys to have done
this than Wyoming. I imagine folks in the Equality State are a pretty
law-and-order bunch. We're not talking the bad old South where the
sheriff would have been there helping to tie the rope.
Scott Dredge <> wrote:
> If local authorities are fairly prosecuting injustices committed
> minority groups like homosexuals (the favorite whipping group of the
> Christian Conservatives), then I would agree that we don't need the
> government to intervene. I'm too young to recall what went on in
the deep
> south during the Civil Rights movement. My understanding is that that
> African Americans were subjected to horrific injustices that were
not being
> prosecuted or even investigated (and in some cases were being
covered up)
> by the local authorities and it was the feds who had to go in and
> situations like the investigation into the murder of three Civil
> activists.
> I would also like to hear Lou Sternberg's analysis on this subject.
> -SD
> At 07:33 AM 10/15/98 -0700, Briana LeClaire wrote:
> > >It does suggest that Mr. Probasco's question might
> >> deserve further analysis and discussion.
> >
> >Well then let's analyze and question it further. Professor Goble?
> >Linda Pall? Any other lawyers out there? Explain to Professor
> >Probasco and me why we need hate crime legislation when assault,
> >battery, slander and murder are already crimes.
> >
> >Maybe lawyers are the exact wrong people to be asking, but I'll
> >it. I'd address this question to Tom Trail (a lawmaker) too, but to
> >my knowledge he's out of the country.
> >
> >Thank you -- Briana LeClaire
> >
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