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downtown revitalization

Downtown revitalization was cited as a priority at the Moscow Community 
Retreat.  The recent public meeting on the subject opened the 
discussion.  The rumored closure of downtown Moscow's 2 big theatres 
(following the closure of the downtown independent theatre) is showing 
the impact of the abundance of screens in town and threatens to open a 
very big hole in the storefronts on Main Street.

Now, to continue the dialog on downtown revitalization, the City of 
Moscow, The Moscow-Latah County Economic Development Council, and the 
Moscow Food Co-op are sponsoring a forum that will focus on the existing 
plans to remake the Third Street corridor.

Please plan to attend.  Here's the specifics:

	A free public meeting about the future of the part of downtown Moscow 
along Third Street east of Washington Street is scheduled for Tuesday, 
October 27, at 7pm in the Council Chambers, second floor of the Moscow 
City Hall, 206 East Third Street.  The forum, entitled "Visions of the 
Third Street Downtown Corridor," is co-sponsored by the City of Moscow, 
the Moscow-Latah County Economic Development Council, and the Moscow 
Food Co-op.
	At the forum, Dale Pernula, Moscow community development director, will 
discuss the future of the public facilities in that corridor, including 
the old high school or Whitworth Building and the city hall. Kenna 
Eaton, Moscow Food Co-op general manager, and other Co-op 
representatives will display plans for the store's new location at the 
site of the former Third Street Market and discuss the impact of the 
Co-op's relocation on the corridor area.
	Questions from the public about the Co-op plans and impacts, as well as 
questions about the future of the corridor, will be encouraged.
	Refreshments will be provided by the Moscow Food Co-op.  

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