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Re: Alleged Wyoming hate crime

If local authorities are fairly prosecuting injustices committed against
minority groups like homosexuals (the favorite whipping group of the
Christian Conservatives), then I would agree that we don't need the federal
government to intervene.  I'm too young to recall what went on in the deep
south during the Civil Rights movement.  My understanding is that that
African Americans were subjected to horrific injustices that were not being
prosecuted or even investigated (and in some cases were being covered up)
by the local authorities and it was the feds who had to go in and handle
situations like the investigation into the murder of three Civil Rights

I would also like to hear Lou Sternberg's analysis on this subject.


At 07:33 AM 10/15/98 -0700, Briana LeClaire wrote:
> >It does suggest that Mr. Probasco's question might 
>> deserve further analysis and discussion.
>Well then let's analyze and question it further.  Professor Goble? 
>Linda Pall?  Any other lawyers out there?  Explain to Professor
>Probasco and me why we need hate crime legislation when assault,
>battery, slander and murder are already crimes.
>Maybe lawyers are the exact wrong people to be asking, but I'll chance
>it.  I'd address this question to Tom Trail (a lawmaker) too, but to
>my knowledge he's out of the country.
>Thank you -- Briana LeClaire

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