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Naylor Farms water request

When I read the messages from Bill London and
Priscilla Salant about the request for water rights
filed by Brent Thompson, it made me wonder about his
connections with the mining company called Alchemy
Ventures, Ltd.  (  Alchemy
Ventures is nominally a mining company that was
previously in the gold exploration business -- they
trade under the symbol ALY TXS at about 32 cents per
Last year Mr. Thompson appeared to be fairly heavily
involved in the Canadian mining company's bid to get
water rights and rights to mine kaolin clay in the
Deary/Helmer area.  This request is still being
processed in Boise.  
Some residents of the Deary/Helmer area were concerned
about the impact of the kaolin mine and a potentially
highly water-dependent processing plant in their area.

Perhaps there is a very valid reason for Mr.
Thompson's request for millions of gallons of water to
farm 80 acres organically.  (Kaolin is an organic
pesticide.) But, it seems to me that with the amount
of water being requested a kaolin processing plant
could be well supplied (no pun intended).
I hope the community will hear more from Mr. Thompson
about his farm's water needs and his connections with
the proposed processing plant.

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