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re: Moscow in the National eye

Perhaps Jacob Spencer was joking when he said, "Oh well, can't trust a liberal." but I assume he believes this.  I've heard "liberals" say the same thing about "conservatives."  People say this about anybody they don't understand or agree with, without any solid basis.

This is a simple-minded and self-righteous attitude that keeps tensions between people with different views.  I understand people are angry and frustrated, but that does not mean they should take it out on other people who are different.  Our community does not need this type of divisiveness.

The fact is, we are all humans.   Everybody has the same concerns for themselves and their families.  Everybody can love and everybody can have their hearts broken.

There are reasons people believe what they believe.  Just because someone sees the world differently than you does not mean they are necessarily evil or untrustworthy.

Since I am one of the people working to rescind the sexist and sweeping nudity ordinance, I feel his comments were directed at me.  I know his statement is ludicrous because I know I am trustworthy.   So, before people make sweeping and condescending comments, perhaps it would be best to think instead of spout of rhetoric.

I've made comments I regret, too, so I'm writing this to remind us: instead of bashing each other, lets attempt to treat each other with respect.

Regarding the nudity nudity law:

Considering that reports in our local media were inaccurate, incomplete and included misquotes, I'm sure reports in distant media were just as bad.   The media sensationalized this issue more than reporting the facts.

The bottom line is that supporters of this law, which is one of the most extreme in the nation, are continuing the sexualization of women.  Until men realize that a woman's breasts are not made for a mans pleasure and grant women freedom from this sexual repression, women will not be granted equal rights under our constitution.

Jacob, have you spoken with people who live in New York State?  Austin, Texas?  Boston, MA?  All these places have had their topless laws overturned by the courts.  Also, many cities do not have topless laws on the books.

Why do Jacob's friends think these women were insane for wanting to be topfree?  Do they think men who do this are insane, too?  Perhaps I'm wrong, but I imagine it is because his friends mentally exploit women and think they are insane for wanting to expose themselves to a society that objectifies women.

I definitely don't think it is insane to want to be liberated.  I honor that.

So who is more trustworthy: a "liberal" seeking to free women from sexualization, or someone wanting to suppress a woman's freedom while condemning a whole group of people for wanting to do so?

I'm sure you are a good person, Jacob, but I want you to understand where I'm coming from.

What are your examples as to why "liberals" can't be trusted?  I'm sure they pale in comparison to Kathrine Harris and the Bush campaigns removal of legal voters from the voting rosters in Florida.  Thousands of voters were denied the right to vote because of this unethical act.  They then did everything to prevent the recount of the votes.  Anybody willing to usurp the democratic process in order to be the "leader" cannot be trusted.

What about the CEO's and accounting firms who screwed over thousands of people by cooking the books and causing over $4 trillion to evaporate from our economy?  These people, like "Kenny-boy" Ley, are buddies of fraudulent Bush and his ilk.  They cannot be trusted, either.

John Ashcroft, our "esteemed" attorney general, spent $8000 of taxpayer money to cover the statue of Lady Liberty.  Perhaps a psychologist will agree with me that this seems to be at the very least an unconscious attempt to cloak justice and keep women suppressed.  Do you trust that?

All these "leaders" now have our army in their hands.  They are willing to send our neighbors to war to fight for our "way of life."  Interpret that as a fight to control oil and insure corporate control over the global economy.

It is obvious why we should not trust our "leaders."  These foks are the real threat, not a woman seeking liberation.

Peace from Garrett Clevenger


  • To: <>
  • Subject: Moscow in the National eye
  • From: "Jacob Spencer" <>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 21:42:24 -0500
  • Resent-Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 18:42:57 -0800 (PST)
  • Resent-From:
  • Resent-Message-ID: <>
  • Resent-Sender:

I left Moscow to go to college in Virginia a few months ago.  After
hearing the lamentations from various liberals of how awful we must be
perceive re: the topless issue, I found, to my amazement, that no one
I've talked to knew anything about it.  Also, I've spoken to no one from
a city where there is not a topless ordinance.  Funny thing, most of
them seemed to think that the college co-eds were rather insane.  Oh
well, can't trust a liberal.

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