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Re: On losing the election

Tom Hanson said:
> Ed Evans further states:
> "One thing I've observed in this forum is that folks are of the opinion that 
> the only concrete rules for right and wrong are written by the will of the 
> people through the government. Do you disagree?"
> That is the very foundation of the US Constitution.  Why, on Earth, would I 
> disagree?  As Lincoln so eloquently stated in the Gettysburg Address, " . . . 
> of the people, by the people, and for the people . . . "

Purely hypothetical, but...
Suppose your own ideals and the "will of the people" start to drift farther and 
farther apart. If the above process determines the concrete rights and wrongs, 
what do you do when the process goes against you? Would you change your 
worldview and admit you were "wrong?"

-Ed Evans

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