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Moscow Civic Association

Dear visionaries,

I actually think we might be getting somewhere in our discussion. But let's 
not hold our collective breath.

Does this progressive meeting of the Moscow Civic Association (to which 
non-progressives need not come) have any agenda items with regard to the 
government school system? In other words, should the government school 
system be progressive too? If it should be, then it follows that we 
non-progressives are uninvited to that worldview party as well. Which, 
incidentally, is the point we trinitarians have been making all along. But 
if the government school system need not be progressive, then what should 
it be? Troglodyte like us?

When it come to the inescapability of worldviews, as one of your 
philosophers put it, you can run but you can't hide.


Douglas Wilson

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