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Re: On losing the election

Greetings Visionaires -

Ed Evans stated:

"How can you say it is wrong? America WANTS total control by a single party. "

I seriously do not believe that a majority of the American people want total 
control by one party.  Some voters may have voted straight party lines.  
However, I strongly feel that a majority of the voters wen with their 
conscience and (ironically) that is how it turned out.  I do not recall a 
single individual (politician or otherwise) stating that their party should 
have total control of the government.

Ed Evans further states:

"One thing I've observed in this forum is that folks are of the opinion that 
the only concrete rules for right and wrong are written by the will of the 
people through the government. Do you disagree?"

That is the very foundation of the US Constitution.  Why, on Earth, would I 
disagree?  As Lincoln so eloquently stated in the Gettysburg Address, " . . . 
of the people, by the people, and for the people . . . "

Take care,

Tom Hansen

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