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RE: Moscow Civic Association

Doug and Doug:

Don't reply to my specific examples, we might discover we agree!  Just 

I pointed out that most likely both the Moscow Civic Association and your 
Church would not be jumping for joy at feeling compelled to include in your 
ranks racist White Power advocates or those seeking to outlaw Christianity.  
You are pushing arguments to their extremes, where most arguments tend to 
break down with logical flaws of one sort or another (insert Gödel's 
incompleteness theorem here).  You thus overstate the positions of the 
people you wish find flaw with, and thereby demonstrate their foolishness.

Doug Jones, please refer to my specific statements.  I made no reference to 
"body count" in my comments.  I was referring to the lies, deception and 
obscurantism promoted by Christianity throughout it's history, not wars and 
torture, etc.  Honesty was the issue, not killing.

I think you are exaggerating the significance of the word "Moscow" in the 
Moscow Civic Association's name.  I am not a member of this group, but I 
offer this refection on the use of the word "Moscow" in a name for a local 
group:  Just because a group uses the name of the town where they reside in 
their title, this does mean they want any and all people to join?  To create 
some examples, the Moscow Physics Club would be remiss if they failed to 
welcome with open arms the local Astrology Society members?  Or the Moscow 
Chess Club must allow the local Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts to stage 
their events in the middle of chess matches?


>From: "Doug Jones" <>
>To: "'Vision 20/20'" <>
>Subject: RE: Moscow Civic Association
>Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 15:16:34 -0500
>I ditto Doug Wilson's explanation of your missing the wonderful irony
>here (Logical Positivism tends to have that affect on its adherents).
>Progressives should be free to associate how they want, as should
>It's an added irony, though, that they chose a supposedly inclusive
>adjective -- Moscow -- for a club that consciously and understandably
>wants to exclude other Muscovites.
> > I won't hold you responsible for
> > all of the offenses of Christianity throughout history.  I will point
> > the Truth of the history of your religion though.
> >
>Fine do the body count thing again. I'll take responsibility for the
>Crusades and the Inquisition and ten other centuries when you own up to
>your responsibility for Stalin, Hitler, Robespierre, Pol Pot, and Nixon.
>I'll take ten centuries against just your twentieth century. You don't
>want to go there.
>Doug Jones

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