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Moscow Civic Association

In answer to your question-
> Ben, are you open to, for example, Agnostic Earth Worshipers showing up at
> your religious services (I am assuming you are a Christian who goes to a
> specific Christian church to worship, excuse me if I am wrong) to announce
> their agenda and goals and argue with you about the sense or nonsense of
> your religion?

I am open to Agnostic Earth Worshipers showing up to worship with me if they
are willing to repent and be baptized. I suppose that that's not being very
open. But that is no surprise. The Christians are the ones that have been
chided non stop for being exclusive. So it's no news flash that we see an
antithesis between the Church and the world. What is a little bit startling
is the self-proclaimed "Progressives" admitting for once that they are every
bit as exclusive. But, as both of the Doug's have already pointed out, how
can you be "progressed" so far ahead of the Church when you are indulging in
that one habit of the Church's that you constantly condemn?
    But if it eases your fears a little bit, I'm not really interested in
attending the Moscow Civic Association. I know that substantive diversity at
those sorts of meetings is not at all wanted, despite the slogans.

Ben Merkle

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