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Re: Moscow Civic Association

Ed Evans asks:

>Is there already a clear definition of 'progressive'?

The progressive movement was/is "a reform movement (beginning in the first 
decades of the 20th century)  principally focused on the role of the 
government (local, state, and national) in alleviating the economic and 
social disarray brought about by the rapid urbanization and 
industrialization of America."  Classic progressive issues include public 
education (we're for it), legal protections for workers, consumers, and the 
environment, increasing participatory democracy and access to government, 
and extending and enforcing constitutional protections for all people.  Once 
upon a time, our issues also included women's suffrage, child labor laws, 
and food safety laws, but we settled those pretty quickly.  There was that 
wrong turn down the Prohibition road, too, but every movement makes its 
mistakes.  We're still working on the rest of the program.

I'm not speaking for the Moscow Civic Association, mind you--just giving a 
broad definition of progressive.  Like "conservative," "progressive" covers 
a lot of ground, and your mileage may vary.


Melynda Huskey

"The things that make us happy make us wise."  John Crowley

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